Selasa, 28 Mei 2013


By Yola Agnecilya, the first grade student of SMPN BERNAS Pangkalan Kerinci
Editor Rita Endriyani,S.Pd

If you can answer this riddle, you are a clever student.

Key word: This riddle is about animal      
v  This animal is very cute. It’s from Chinese. It has soft hair, and it’s like wearing glasses.
Answer: Panda

v  This animal lives in the water. It’s good for swimming. It always bath, but its body is very smell.
Answer: Fish

v  This animal can live in two places. In the fairy tales, if it was kissed, it will be a prince.
Answer: Frog

v  This animal has long body like a rope. It has poisonous teeth.
Answer: Snake

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